
2022-07-12 23:31:36 By : Mr. Susan liang

Experts agree that the air we breathe today is dirtier and more dangerous than ever. It is getting more dangerous and leading to more deadly diseases by the day. This is why the makers of Fend came up with this simple piece of technology to improve the quality of the air we inhale daily. This Fend Review is guaranteed to equip you with all the necessary information this new airway cleansing mist.

A recent study from researchers at Carnegie Mellon University sent shockwaves through the medical world when it showed that the decline in our air quality was associated with 9,700 additional premature deaths from 2016 to 2018 alone. This study is quite relevant as it shows the sinister, unrecognized effect our poor air quality is having on our longevity and essential quality of life. The truth is that, if the quality of the air we breathe improve, we will definitely live longer, healthier and happier. The polluted air we keep inhaling in cities and urban areas contribute not just to physical illness but to the mental and emotional deterioration that is becoming quite rampant in this modern society.

Much of this air quality decline comes from the man-made toxins we breathe in every day like cigarette smoke, the gas in our cars, pesticides, cleaning chemicals, industrial plants, and more. These are the toxins we add to air due to our daily activities of work, transportation and production. These pollutants not only threaten our survival but also the survival of our planet. Also, in addition to these man-made toxins, our air has always been filled with natural threats. These natural harmful substances and microorganisms are ubiquitous and can be found almost everywhere. They include allergens, carcinogens, bacteria, germs, and other airborne microorganisms.

Dr. John S. Tregoning, in his book Infectious, actually said it best: 'Nature wants you dead every time you breathe'. The fact is, every day you breathe, you inhale billions of tiny particles. Most are harmless but others pose a serious risk to your quality of life and wellbeing. Some are equally deadly and can cause serious life-threatening symptoms. This is why these days, environmental pollution and poor air quality is becoming a serious consideration in the United States and around the world. Everyone should also be aware of this considerable threat to their life and take certain measure to reduce the amount of contaminants in their environment.

This is why a Harvard scientist got to work creating a new way for people to breathe safely and avoid inhaling all types of air contaminants and pollutants. This includes both the ones found in nature and the ones artificially made by humans. His successful invention is called Fend, and it uses a brilliant technique. Instead of trying to clean all the air in the world which is quite impossible, Fend boosts your body's natural defenses, so your body can naturally clean your air as you breathe it in.

Fend has recently become available to the public and doctors are strongly recommending it for personal use. Fend is currently trending It is safe, natural and even provides a number of health benefits. The next few sections of this Fend Review will cover what it's about, how to use it and how it works, including where to get it. Let's get right into it.

Fend is an all-natural airway cleansing mist that filters up to 99% of allergens, carcinogens and pathogens from reaching your lungs. It works by capturing billions of tiny airborne particles, then flushing them out before you breathe them in. In short, Fend strengthens your upper airways' natural ability to clean the air you breathe.

This proprietary solution has been reasonably compared to natural ocean air. This is to show how friendly it is to your airways and lungs. It is fresh, safe and made with natural ingredients that are fundamental to keeping your nasal passages clean, hydrated and healthy. This means you do not have to worry about whether it is safe for you and whether it will be harmful to your respiratory passages. It is unlike certain sprays that are toxic to your lungs despite their beneficial effect. People will prefer safe, friendly solutions that are all-natural such as Fend over more aggressive cleansers.

Even better, Fend is 100% drug free and completely safe for anyone to use. This is better because the fact that this does not contain any drug means that you do not have to worry about any side effects or reactions while using the cleanser. It also does not require a prescription from a doctor or pharmacist to use it, neither will you have to embark on any expensive office visit to acquire the cleansing solution. It is definitely completely safe for use for everyone, irrespective of age, sex or race.

Fend was invented by Dr. David Edwards, a Harvard scientist with decades of experience in airway research. Dr. Edwards thought of a solution to the increasing air pollution after studying the effect of said pollution on the airway. Dr. Edwards is a member of three national academies in the US and France, and was professor of the practice of bioengineering at Harvard University from 2002 - 2019. He came up with this simple-looking, yet complex solution that eliminates majority of the pollutants in inhaled air when used before inhalation. It also goes into the lungs and functions in keeping the lungs safe from harm caused by the pollutants for some hours before it will require to be used again.

Dr. Edwards' work on airway hygiene began with his pioneering work on inhaled insulin and anthrax defense. His work in those areas were important in making certain headways in the understanding of how inhalation works. Due to his detailed experience in airway hygiene, he started working on making the air we breathe cleaner. As of today, his mission is to help the wider world breathe cleaner air with Fend. His breakthrough piece of invention called Fend has been recognized by Forbes and Time as 'Best Gift for travelling safely' and 'Best invention of 2020' respectively. Fast Company also recognized it as a 'World Changing Idea'.

MUST SEE: Click Here Now To Get Fend Directly From The Official Website

Fend strengthens the natural defense system your body already has in place. Your body has a natural 'sticky trap' that catches germs and airborne particles before they go deeper into your lungs. This is why you are not getting sick every single day from all those microorganisms and toxins you're inhaling.

The Fend solution hydrates this lining in order to make it more effective at trapping any of the particles that enter your airways. This gives you 'super mucus' that helps filter the contaminants you're exposed to each time you breathe. Once they're trapped by the 'super mucus', your body will safely eliminate them on its own.

And because Fend uses an ultra fine mist atomizer (the technology behind the part of the bottle that actually sprays), you'll experience much deeper absorption into your upper airways. This allows Fend to be much more effective at filtering airborne particles and germs while also helping you breathe better overall.

The company describes Fend as an 'all-natural airway cleansing mist'. It is like a little mist of ocean air that helps you breathe better. Apparently, the reason you can breathe so well next to the ocean is that the natural combination of water and salt helps clean your airways. Dr. Edwards and his team just figured out how to reproduce that in a special, all-natural mist. Apparently, it was designed originally to help your body filter poor quality air naturally.

When you hydrate your airways with Fend, it both cleans them and supercharges your body's own natural air filtration system so that it traps airborne pollutants before they can enter your lungs. This technique is really effective and innovative because it works so much better and is safer for your body system. Any other method of eliminating air pollutants will involve toxic chemicals that will be sprayed into the air and despite how enclosed the space where it is sprayed might be, it cannot be airtight and so, a little bit of diffusion and the air becomes quite dirty again. Any other method will require cleansing of the entire atmospheric air which is quite impossible.

This solution, judging from its mechanism of action, is safe for people with sensitivities, allergies and asthma. The solution just increases the protective function of their airway linings and in the process, helps protect the lungs from pollutants. Fend does not contain any drug or allergenic substance that will provoke reactions in someone that has allergies. Although it is quite advisable to consult with your doctor before using this cleansing mist if you have allergies or any other form of acute or chronic lung or airway disease.

This piece of invention has been featured in Time, Forbes, ABC and Health as one of the most innovative technologies in recent times. A big reason why it was featured in those magazines is because of Fend's scientifically proven results that have been confirmed in peer-reviewed medical journals. Fend has been confirmed to be very effective in eliminating air contaminants in many studies done on the solution.

As mentioned earlier, the effectiveness of Fend has been confirmed in several scientific trials done and published in peer-reviewed medical journal. A big part of that effectiveness is due to the unique blend of saltwater and calcium used in Fend. The all-natural blend creates the 'invisible barrier' which helps your body naturally filter up to 99% of airborne allergens, carcinogens and pathogens. In much simpler terms, the Fend solution effectively prevents dirty air from travelling deep into your lungs.

Online Fend Reviews have shown that the device is really effective in filtering out contaminants in the regular air we breathe. The solution is made from a precise blend of hydrating salts, water, calcium and sodium, Fend helps your upper airways flush out billions of tiny particles in the air by capturing them on a watery layer as you breathe them in. Simply inhale the gentle, ocean-like mist deeply and slowly through your nose a few times per day to keep your airways hydrated and clean. The Fend airway cleansing solution guarantees you fresher, cleaner and healthier air for a better life.

MUST SEE: Click Here Now To Get Fend Directly From The Official Website

1. Convenient design: Fend is designed in a simple way with a minimalistic and convenient design that fits into your pocket and allows you to carry the device everywhere you go. With this simple design, Fend is a simple way to make airway hygiene part of your daily routine to stay healthy - whether you are at home, work or on the go. It comes in 0.1 fl oz bottles that are projected to last approximately 30 days. Its fine mist atomizer is formulated for optimal delivery and absorption of the substance into the airways. The design is very portable and personal so that you can easily keep your air clean wherever you are. There is also featured on the device's official website a free send-back program powered by Terracycle's Zero Waste Box for efficient recycling of the used bottles.

2. Immediate action: Once you spray Fend into the air right in front of you and take two breaths, the solution starts working instantly to protect you and your lungs from dangerous airborne particles. The solution protects you from natural threats like microorganisms and germs to man-made pollution like car exhaust and cigarette smoke. Fend is the doctor-recommended saltwater and calcium solution that instantly improves your body's ability to filter up to 99% of these harmful particles without drugs or bulky equipment. Its instant action is one of its best benefits as you do not have to wait for minutes or hours for its onset like you do with drugs.

3. All-Natural Ingredients: This Fend solution is made with water, calcium and sodium. This natural blend helps clean your airways while boosting their ability to function properly. It has been described by many of its users as breathing in a mist of fresh ocean air. Fend is drug free, and this is really important in distinguishing Fend from other saline sprays out there that add drugs to their sprays to enhance its perceived action. Fend is safe, fresh and is free of any side effects as would accrue to drug-infused sprays. You can never go wrong with Fend.

4. All-Day Effectiveness: Fend is designed to be compact and portable so you can carry it with you wherever you go. There are no batteries, refills or cords to fuss with. Just pop your Fend and breathe with confidence all day long. Each two breaths of Fend lasts for 6 hours, which means that with just 2 deep breaths of the Fend mist, your body's natural defenses are boosted. Not just that, your airways are protected from dangerous contaminants for up to 6 full hours. This makes Fend quite the special mist and protective solution out there with its proven efficacy and long-lasting action.

Fend is very easy to use. That is the best part. There is no complex technique or special knowledge needed to use this fine piece of technology. It just requires that you purchase the device from the official website.

When you get the device, simply take two deep, relaxing breaths of the Fend mist. How do you do this? Hold it upright a couple of inches from your nose, press and hold firmly to create the mist, and breathe in Fend's all-natural saltwater and calcium blend that will instantly start hydrating your airways - which both cleanses them and supercharges your body's own natural filtration system so that it traps airborne pollutants before they can enter your lungs. And unlike other sprays, the Fend mist's particles are perfectly sized to travel precisely where it can activate this filtering effect. Just two breaths of Fend can filter the air you breathe for up to 6 hours.

Air contaminants can harm anyone, but they can be especially dangerous for few groups of people. These are those most vulnerable to air contaminants and their deleterious, disease-causing effects.

-          Immunocompromised people

-          Infants, children and teens

-          People with asthma and other lung diseases

-          People with allergies

-          Anyone over 65

These people could all benefit from Fend's powerful ability to clean them and supercharge your body's own natural air filtration system. Especially since Fend filters up to 99% of airborne allergens, carcinogens and pathogens so you can breathe with confidence. We should all feel safe breathing. And Fend is helping us do just that.

MUST SEE: Click Here Now To Get Fend Directly From The Official Website

1.    Multi-Award Winning - Including Time's 'Best invention of 2020'.

2.    100% Safe - Fend is natural, drug-free and safe to use daily.

3.    Lasts 6 hours - Two deep breaths is all you need.

4.    Backed by science - it really works.

5.    Made in Germany - Fend is proudly manufactured in Germany.

6.    30-day money back warranty - After completing the 21-day Breathe Better challenge, if you would like a refund, you may do so hassle-free.

7.    Quality assurance - Every step of the process is controlled to ensure a safe, preservative-free, and high-quality product.

8.    Free, fast shipping in the USA - Free shipping on qualifying offers only.

1.    It is only available online through the Fend official manufacturer's website.

2.    Due to its features and growing popularity, individuals from the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, and other parts of the world are purchasing it, resulting in a restricted supply. You might need to hurry and place an order once it is available on the official website.

3.    If you are suffering from any lung or airway disease, you should consult your physician before commencing use of this Fend mist.

If you wish to make a purchase, it is greatly advised to choose the manufacturer directly. They have a website where they offer the products. But that is not all. If you want to purchase more than one, you can do so with the special offers that the manufacturers make available from time to time. This means that you can purchase several of the mist sprays at the same time and pay less for one mist spray itself. The order is uncomplicated and can be completed within a few minutes.

Another great advantage is the numerous payment options offered by the manufacturers. Here the buyer does not take any risk because he/she can use a secure method such as PayPal or Credit cards. These possibilities also hold out the prospect that if you send the product back if you do not like it, you will get your money back without any problems. A further advantage is the dispatch, which takes place up to the front door. A few days after the order, the product arrives and can be used immediately.

In the event you wish to return any product that is not defective, you may do so provided that you meet the following criteria:

i.              The product was purchased in the last thirty (30) days;

ii.            The product is not used or damaged;

iii.           The product is not missing packaging, manuals, or other components;

iv.           The product is in its original packaging; and

v.            You provide proof of original purchase.

If you qualify for a return, please contact then to obtain shipping instructions and a return merchandise number. Once they receive your product and verify that you qualify for a refund, they will issue a refund to your payment method within thirty (30) days.

MUST SEE: Click Here Now To Get Fend Directly From The Official Website

There are massive discounts of up to 50% currently ongoing for this product and will last for a limited period only. You can take advantage of these promotional offers today.

Buy 2, Get 1 FREE + FREE USA SHIPPING @ $69.98

Buy 3, Get 2 FREE + FREE USA SHIPPING @ $104.97

Buy 5, Get 5 FREE + FREE USA SHIPPING @ $174.95

Dianne says, "I love my Fend! We're on a trip to Disney which doesn't require masks, and it gives peace of mind after being in crowded areas. Plus it's so refreshing, we like using it daily."

Allen Meringolo says, "Since I was 14 years old, I have been a competitive runner - I ran cross country collegiately and qualified and ran the Boston Marathon in 2019. I can tell you that I, like all other competitive runners I know, fixate on recovery and hydration. You cannot handle running 50+ miles/ week and intense 1 hr+ track sessions if you are not taking care of your body and focusing on the smallest details. With that in mind, I was excited to add Fend as another tool in my hydration and recovery toolbox. Fend hydrates me in ways that drinking water cannot. I Fend 3x/ days and after every training session to jumpstart my recovery. The difference is noticeable. Anyone who cares about taking care of their body and optimizing performance should give Fend a try."

Scot M. says, "I use Fend three times a day to combat my chronic dry nose and polypoidal nasopharynx. I find it reduces the need to breathe through my mouth since my nose feels more open and clear. I especially appreciate that Fend uses no preservatives and since the device is used for just one month and then recycled, there is no need to sterilize anything or worry about microbial buildup over time, as is necessary with a Nettie pot."

Mkers24 says "Life changing product! As someone who suffers from constant sinus issues, Fend has been a blessing!"

Fend is made with 3 simple ingredients: Water, Calcium and Sodium. Fend's unique blend of saltwater and calcium strengthens your upper airways' natural ability to clean the air you breathe - preventing dirty air from travelling deep into your lungs, It's safe, natural and drug-free.

How often should I use Fend?

We recommend using Fend every 6 hours, up to 3 times a day. Typically, when you wake up, at some point during the afternoon, and before you go to bed. Regular use of your Fend helps to continually strengthen the mucosal lining, creating a strong filter against small airborne contaminants.

How quickly does Fend take effect?

Fend begins to take effect within about 15 seconds of use.

Can children use Fend too?

Yes! Fend is a safe, proprietary calcium-enriched saline solution, and is drug-free... so it's safe for anyone to use, kids included. If you have any concerns, please consult your doctor before regular use by your child.

Each Fend is designed to last an individual approximately 30 days of regular use (2 deep breaths, 3 times per day). Fend is not refillable by design - it allows us to keep the ingredients natural, because it is pre-filled in an air-tight and sterile way that allows us to make this preservative-free. While it is not refillable, we recommend all users participate in our free Fend Take-Back program.

Not only does Fend help you breathe better and shield you from poor air quality, germs and allergens, it is also easy and safe to use, completely portable and most importantly, doctor-recommended. Get yours now on the official website for massive discounts.

MUST SEE: Click Here Now To Get Fend Directly From The Official Website

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